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Assessment of quality management practices of ministry of housing registered building construction companies in Nigeria, a case study of Anambra State

Volume 2, Issue 1, Jan-Feb 2022    |  Page 18-30 |  PDF (459K) |  Pub. Date: February 23, 2022


Osegbo, C.U1*, Okolie, K.C2, Ezennia, I.S3, Okoye, N.M4; 1 & 4 Lecturer II and 2 Professor, Building Department; and 3 Lecturer I, Architecture Department, Environmental Sciences Faculty, Nnamdi Azikiwe University, Awka, Nigeria


Quality  issues have been of great concern throughout the recorded history of man and its management has a direct impact on the level of client satisfaction and overall organizational performance in the dynamic and competitive global market. The study adopted survey design for its research design effected through literature review and well-structured questionnaire. The study assesses quality management practice of building construction companies registered with Anambra state Ministry of Housing, for delivery of public building projects in Nigeria. Data for the study were obtained through structured questionnaires administered to 150 staff and management of 58 building construction firms registered with Anambra state Ministry of Housing out of which 120 questionnaires were returned and analyzed using tables, SPSS version 22 and mean score index. The result revealed that the quality management practice of Building construction companies in the study area do not conform to the international standard but they are more interested in getting work done just to receive payment. Also, lack/inadequate employees’ education and training; lack of top management commitment/support emerged the most challenging to QM practice. The study concluded that most firms do not have established system for managing quality. The study therefore recommends that Building construction companies in Anambra state should establish a clear and well-defined QM system duly communicated from management level to site operatives such as ISO 9001 QMS, they should also train their staff regularly. Government should establish Quality control units.


quality management practice; building construction companies; Anambra state public building projects

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Osegbo, C. U., Okolie, K. C., Ezennia, I. S., Okoye, N. M. (2022), Assessment of quality management practices of ministry of housing registered building construction companies in Nigeria, a case study of Anambra State, IRESPUB Journal of Environmental & Material Sciences. Volume 2, Issue 1, Jan-Feb 2022, Page 18-30


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