Study of the soil-ecological state of the objects of study on the example of the foothill zones of Azerbaijan in the lesser Caucasus under various crops

Publication: 05/10/2021

Page: 13-19

Volume 1 Issue 1

How to cite 

Aliyev, Z. H., & Mustafaev, Z. Kh. (2021). Study of the soil-ecological state of the objects of study on the example of the foothill zones of Azerbaijan in the lesser Caucasus under various crops. IRESPUB Journal of Agriculture, Food & Nutrition, 1(1), 13-19.

Z. H. Aliyev*, Z. Kh. Mustafaev

Institute of Soil Science and Agrochemistry of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, Baku, Republic of Azerbaijan


The studies were carried out on the following types of soils, most widespread within Azerbaijan: gray-brown, gray-earth-meadow, graybrown and mountain-gray-brown. Common to these soils is the deep penetration of humus into the soil profile and its very slow decrease down by profile. According to the results of our research, it is proved that in the soil the humus content in the 25-50 cm layer is from 2.00 to 2.12%, and the total nitrogen is from 0.112 to 176%, the content of mineral forms of nitrogen is almost identical with the previous soils, while some an increase in the content of phosphorus and exchangeable potassium relative to other studied soils. The amount of carbonates in these soils is low (CaCO3 -6.4-10.4%). The absorbed bases are dominated by calcium, which is 60.3-76.7% of the total exchangeable cations. The amount of exchangeable sodium in the absorbed complex is low, 2.7-4.7% of the total, while the content of exchangeable magnesium is quite high. The moisture regime of mountain-graybrown soils is determined mainly by the amount of atmospheric precipitation and the course of evaporation of soil moisture.


carbonate content; leaching; mountain brown; gray-brown; gray-meadow; gray-brown (chestnut); gray-brown (chestnut) soils; erosional relief; rainfed.

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