Scope & Research Areas

Year Launched: 2021

Editorial Board

Dr. George Fuh Kum

Department of History

University of Yaoundé I


Dr. Okogwu Antonia

Department of Fine Arts and Design

University of Port Harcourt

River State, Nigeria

Dr. Garyfalia Charitaki

Department of Special Education

University in collaboration with 

University of Thessaly

Volos, Greece

IRESPUB Journal of Arts & Ideas will consider papers within the following areas:

  • Administrative design
  • Architectural culture
  • Architectural design
  • Architectural practice
  • Architectural theory
  • Architecture
  • Artistic practices
  • Building configuration
  • Business design research
  • Computer applications to architectural practice
  • Design methods
  • Design programming
  • Design theory
  • Education
  • Energy
  • Environment and behavior
  • Environmental education for the public
  • Environmental evaluation
  • Everyday building
  • Forecasting for the environmental professions
  • Geographic design
  • Information technologies for design professionals
  • Interior design
  • Linguistics
  • Pedagogy
  • Post-occupancy evaluation
  • Site planning/topology
  • Social-impact assessment
  • Sustainability
  • Theoretical texts
  • Urban design
  • Urbanism
  • User participation
  • Visual culture