On evaluating the effect of soil treatment and fertilizer on the cultivation of grain crops

Publication: 05/10/2021

Page: 8-12

Volume 1 Issue 1

How to cite 

Aliyev, I. H., Aliev, R. A. E., & Aliyev, Z. H. (2021). On evaluating the effect of soil treatment and fertilizer on the cultivation of grain crops. IRESPUB Journal of Agriculture, Food & Nutrition, 1(1), 8-12.

I. H. Aliyev, R. A. E. Aliev*, and Z. H. Aliyev

Azerbaijan Scientific-Research Institute of Irrigation and Erosion of Azerbaijan National Academy of Sciences, Baku, Republic of Azerbaijan


The article gives the results of studies of the effect of soil and fertilizer treatment on the productivity of winter wheat in the Ganja-Gazakh zone of Azerbaijan. The positive effect of fertilizers on plants of winter wheat is manifested only in well-cultivated soils with a reaction of the environment close to neutral. At the same time, it is proved that between the intensity of the application of mineral fertilizers and the productivity of grain crops around the world, a close direct dependence is established. Consequently, the highest yield of grain here was obtained in the variant of dung 10t / ha + N90P90K60 57.1 c / ha, an increase of 24.3 c / ha or 74.1%, where the yield increase by 40-50% is due to the application of fertilizers.


winter wheat; soil treatment; traditional; minimal; manure; mineral fertilizers; yield.

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