IRESPUB Journal of Law, Policy & Religion

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Volume: 1 | Issue: 2 | Nov-Dec 2021

Year Launched: 2021

Editorial Board


Russian-Armenian University

Yerevan, Armenia

Dr. Tinni Dutta

Department of Psychology

University of Calcutta

Kolkata, India

IRESPUB Journal of Law, Policy & Religion is an international, scholarly open-access journal published online by IRESPUB.

Open Access is free for readers, with article processing charges (APC) paid by authors or their institutions.

High visibility: Indexed in Google Scholar and other databases.

Rapid publication: Manuscripts review and first decision are undertaken within 5 days.

Authors resident in countries with low GNI and HDI such as India, Nigeria, and the Philippines are considered for low APCs

(See the APC page for more information).