Effect of computer assisted instructions on students’ achievement in damp proofing course skills in polytechnics in Anambra state

Publication: 24/04/2024

Page: 12-18

Volume 3 Issue 2

How to cite 

Okechukwu, E., Onyili, N. J., Obi, T. A. (2024). Effect of computer assisted instructions on students’ achievement in damp proofing course skills in polytechnics in Anambra state. IRESPUB Journal of Education & Literature, 3(2), 12-18.

Ekwelem Okechukwu1, Nnamdi J Onyili2 & Tochi Assumpta Obi3

1University of Nigeria Nsukka

2Department of Works and Services, Nwafor Orizu College of Education Nsugbe Anambra state

3Department of Building, Faculty of Environmental science, Nnamdi Azikiwe University Awka, Anambra State


The aim of the study is to explore the effect of computer assisted instructions on students’ acquisition of damp-proof course skills in Polytechnics in Anambra State. Specifically, the study determined the effect of computer assisted instructions on students’ acquisition of damp-proof course skills in building construction in Polytechnics in Anambra State. One objective, one research question and one hypothesis guided the study. The design of this study is a quasi-experimental design. The population for the study comprised 160 Ordinary Diploma Level II Building Technology students in the two Polytechnic in Anambra State which include: Federal Polytechnic, Oko and Anambra State Polytechnic, Mgbakwu. The instrument, lesson plans and the Table of specification/Test Blue Print were subjected to face and content validation by two experts. The instrument yielded a reliability index of .76. The data for the research question of this study was analyzed using mean and standard deviation. The hypothesis was tested at .05 level of significance using analysis of covariance (ANCOVA). The findings of the study revealed that students taught damp proof course skills using computer-assisted instruction (experimental group) had a higher achievement mean score when compared with those taught with chart/board (control group). The following recommendations were made based on the findings of the study: Computer assisted instructions should be adopted by curriculum designers and teachers as one of the participatory methods of teaching and learning of building technology in the Polytechnics. Lecturers should be trained and retrained by the government on how to use computer assisted instructions in order to improve students’ academic achievements.



computer-assisted instructions; building technology skills; damp proof course; polytechnics.

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