Constructivist learning strategy: a pedagogical approach for improving students’ academic achievement in basic science in secondary schools

Publication: 19/07/2022

Page: 1-9

Volume 2 Issue 2

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Ayibatonye, J. E., Glory, E. G. (2022). Constructivist learning strategy: a pedagogical approach for improving students’ academic achievement in basic science in secondary schools. IRESPUB Journal of Education & Literature, 2(2), 1-9.

Joseph Endurance Ayibatonye* & Echie-Godpower, Glory

Department of Integrated science, Ignatius Ajuru University of Education, Port Harcourt, Nigeria


The purpose of this research is to explore the impact that constructivist learning strategies have on students’ academic achievement in basic science while they are enrolled in secondary school in Rivers State. The research was conducted on students from 11 different junior secondary schools. The research was carried out using a one-group pretest-posttest quasi experimental design, and there was a total of ninety students from two classes in the junior secondary schools that took part in the investigation. The simple random sample, was used to select 200 students studying basic sciences from each of the 2 junior secondary schools. The mean and standard deviation were utilised in the analysis of the data that was gathered. They were utilised in order to provide answers to all of the research questions, whilst a t-test was utilised in order to analyse the hypotheses at 0.5levels of significance. According to the findings of the study, the academic achievement of students majoring in basic sciences is significantly impacted by the use of constructivist learning strategies. As a result, it is advised that the technique be used for instructing fundamental scientific concepts.


constructivist; strategy; academic achievement; students’ basic science.

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