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Formation of Ukraine's image in the media

Volume 1, Issue 1, Sep-Oct 2021    |  Page 1-12  |  PDF (261K)  |  Pub. Date: September 22, 2021


Chekalyuk Veronika; National University of Bioresources and Natural Resources of Ukraine, Kyiv, Ukraine


The article investigates the role of media professionals in creating the image of the political leader and the state, considers some aspects of professional activity and methods of image-maker’s work. The generalization is made on the basis of the experience of practitioners, image-makers of politicians concerning the creation and dissemination of author’s practical and scientific technologies, the introduction of a positive image color of the object (subject of the image) and author’s research. The content of this work captures the essence of problems creation of a positive image of Ukraine in the media that fully reflected in the monograph “Formation of Ukraine’s image in the media.”


politics; media; leader; professiogram; image-maker; experiment; audience.

Cite this paper

Veronika, C. (2021), Formation of Ukraine’s image in the media, IRESPUB Journal of Humanities & Cultural Studies. Volume 1, Issue 1, Sep-Oct 2021, Page 1-12


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