Home > Journals > IRESPUB Journal of Environmental & Material Sciences > Volume 2 Issue 5 >The Effects of Environmental Pollution on Human Health among the People of Yola- North Local Government Area of Adamawa State, Nigeria

Year Launched: 2021

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The Effects of Environmental Pollution on Human Health among the People of Yola- North Local Government Area of Adamawa State, Nigeria

Volume 2, Issue 5, May-Jun 2023 | Page 30-35 |  PDF (475 KB) |  Pub. Date: Jun 11, 2023


Jummai V. Zirra, Garandi I. Danjuma* and Abdulahi Samad;Department of Geography, Adamawa State University Mubi, Adamawa State, Nigeria


Urbanization and industrialization along with economic development have led to increase in energy consumption and waste discharges. We have different kinds of waste which includes solid and industrial. Data was generated using survey questionnaire, personal observation and field work. The data was analyzed using the T-test. The result of the study shows that Yola North local Government is faced with a lot of problems and challenges in regards to environmental pollution. This is can be attributed to lack of keeping the environment clean, lack of government taking appropriate measure for providing facilities and materials for controlling refuse in the area. The research recommends that People should be enlightened on the danger of dumping refuse indiscriminately, hence the need for the provision of incinerators by the Government and Non-governmental organizations. The health authority of Yola North Local Government Area should create awareness on the causes and effect of environmental pollution. There’s need for the Government to enlighten the public on the impact of   insects’   infections, such as mosquitos and housefly.


waste; urbanization; infections; facilities

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Zirra, J. V., Danjuma, G. I., Samad, A. (2023), The Effects of Environmental Pollution on Human Health among the People of Yola- North Local Government Area of Adamawa State, Nigeria, IRESPUB Journal of Environmental & Material Sciences. Volume 2, Issue 5, May-Jun 2023, Page 30-35