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The reflection of covid-19 on the health insurance industry in Kerala

Volume 2, Issue 2, Jul-Aug 2022    |  Page 10-17  |  PDF (245K)  |  Pub. Date: Jul 31, 2022


Syama U. S.1* & K.V. Thomas2: 1Research Scholar at Lincoln University College, Malaysia and Assistant Professor at Marian College Kuttikkanam (Autonomous), Kerala, India; 2Professor and Head, Research and PG Department of Commere, Marian College Kuttikkanam (Autonomous), Kerala, India


The COVID-19 pandemic has affected almost all nations in the world including India. The pandemic and resultant lockdown has had a significant impact on business all over the world. Indian economy is among the 15 economies most affected by COVID-19. The lockdown in major cities in India seriously affected the working of public establishments like restaurants, amusement parks and movie theatres and they were shut down completely leading to a huge losses in their revenues. The pandemic and lockdown have also had a major impact on health insurance sector, which is one of the largest revenue sources for the general insurance industry. This paper is a report of an empirical study of the challenges faced by private health insurance companies and the mitigation strategies to overcome the crisis created by COVID-19 pandemic.


COVID-19; Pandemic; Health insurance; mitigation strategies

Cite this paper

Syama, U. S., Thomas, K. V. (2022), The reflection of covid-19 on the health insurance industry in Kerala, IRESPUB Journal of Humanities & Cultural Studies. Volume 2, Issue 2, Jul-Aug 2022, Page 10-17


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