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Thermo-economic analysis of a simple cycle gas turbine with intercooling based on Ogorode, Sapele environment, Nigeria

Volume 2, Issue 2, Mar-Apr 2022    |  Page 1-7  |  PDF (321K)  |  Pub. Date: April 29, 2022


G. Ayadju & F.C. Igbesi; Department of Mechanical Engineering, Delta State Polytechnic, Otefe-Oghara, Delta State, Nigeria


Intercooled gas turbines are necessary inclusion in the quest for improvement in power plant performance. Objectives in achieving the aim of this research were to determine thermodynamic condition by evaluating the performance measures as well as the energy generation cost of a simple cycle gas turbine with inter-cooling in comparison with the traditional simple cycle gas turbine. The methodology was to apply relevant data including available plant operational data in Ogorode to model a traditional simple cycle gas turbine and the intercooled gas turbine using the governing principles. Thereafter carry out simulation of the models to obtain values of their various performance measures and cost. This research will help gain knowledge on performance from operating simple cycle gas turbines with inter-cooling in Nigeria, especially the Sapele environment, the promotion of choice and better plant utilisation. The pressure ratio, thermal efficiency and specific fuel consumption for GT and GTIC were found to be 10.87, 0.3457, 0.2797 kg/kWh and 19.76, 0.3831, 0.2525 kg/kWh at maximum power output of 113 MW and 140.5 MW respectively. The improvement in power output was an increase of 24.34 % for the GTIC which also showed 9.72 % reduction in specific fuel consumption, 10.82 % increment in thermal efficiency and a 9.73 % lower energy cost. The enhancements will promote more energy production, lower emissions and reduced power generation cost.


Thermo-Economic Analysis, Gas Turbine, Inter-cooling, Sapele

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Ayadju, G., Igbesi, F. C. (2022), Thermo-economic analysis of a simple cycle gas turbine with intercooling based on Ogorode, Sapele environment, Nigeria, IRESPUB Journal of  Engineering & Computer Sciences. Volume 2, Issue 2, Mar-Apr 2022, Page 1-7


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