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Study on regional linkage: the cases of six city-provinces in Southeast of Vietnam

Volume 2, Issue 1, Mar-Apr 2022    |  Page 8-24  |  PDF (426K)  |  Pub. Date: April 21, 2022


Vu Thi Kim Hanh; Van Lang University, Ho Chi Minh City, Vietnam


Regional linkage is an indispensable requirement of a market economy with established criterion, that creating growth poles in a national economy. The objective of this paper is to study the correlation between six city-provinces in the Southeast of Vietnam and the productivity and GDP of logistics transport (LTI GDP) in Ho Chi Minh (HCM), Vietnam. The methodology is Cronbach’s Alpha, Correlation Pearson and Multivariate regression by series time data. The highlight findings are while HCM urban residents has the same direction impact on Logistics transport (LT) freight productivity calculated on labour (LP1), TN province female population has opposite direction impact on it. About (LP2) LT passenger productivity calculated on labour that while TN province female population has same direction impact on (LP2), BV urban residents has opposite direction impact on it. Regarding to (CP1) LT freight productivity calculated on capital that while BP province population density has same direction impact on CP1, TN province female population has opposite direction impact on it. About (CP2) LT passenger productivity calculated on capital, while BP rural residents has same direction impact on CP2, TN province population density has opposite direction impact on CP2. And finally, (LTI GDP) logistics transport industry gross domestic product that while TN province population density has same direction impact on LTI GDP, HC, BD, BV urban residents have opposite direction impact on LTI GDP


regional linkage; logistics transport productivity; southeast Ho Chi Minh Vietnam

Cite this paper

Hanh, V. T. K. (2022), Study on regional linkage: the cases of six city-provinces in Southeast of Vietnam, IRESPUB Journal of Natural & Applied Sciences. Volume 2, Issue 1, Mar-Apr 2022, Page 8-24


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