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Understanding optical computing

Volume 2, Issue 1, Jan-Feb 2022    |  Page 7-9  |  PDF (213K)  |  Pub. Date: January 4, 2022


Sitara Qureshi; Quaid-e-awam University of Engineering, Sciences & Technology, Nawab Shah, India


Optical computing is the use of optical systems to perform numerical computations or process information. It is the science of making computing work better using optics and related technologies. Optical computers are computers of the future that use light particles called photons. They come as a solution to a miniaturizing problem. They are the most feasible devices that can replace electronic computers with impressive speeds. This review discusses optical computing in its simplest form.


optical computing; photonic computing; quantum computing

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Qureshi, S. (2022), Understanding optical computing, IRESPUB Journal of  Engineering & Computer Sciences. Volume 2, Issue 1, Jan-Feb 2022, Page 7-9


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