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Cloud manufacturing

Volume 2, Issue 1, Jan-Feb 2022    |  Page 4-6  |  PDF (210K)  |  Pub. Date: January 3, 2022


Arthit G. Suttikhana; Department of Industrial Engineering, Prince of Songkhla University, Songkhla, Thailand


Cloud manufacturing is a service-oriented, knowledge-based smart manufacturing system. It is integrated with cloud computing technology, Internet of Things, and high-performance computing. Through cloud manufacturing, manufacturing resources are virtualized and offered as consumable in the same way as for electricity, gas, and water. The manufacturing resources are provided to users as services over the Internet (cloud) in a pay-as-you-go manner. A brief introduction to cloud manufacturing is herein presented.


cloud manufacturing; cloud-based manufacturing; manufacturing-as-a-service; manufacturing cloud service; manufacturing cloud; cloud manufacturing service platform; cyber manufacturing; smart manufacturing

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Suttikhana, A. G. (2022), Cloud manufacturing, IRESPUB Journal of  Engineering & Computer Sciences. Volume 2, Issue 1, Jan-Feb 2022, Page 4-6


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