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Advances in nanotechnology

Volume 2, Issue 1, Jan-Feb 2022    |  Page 1-3  |  PDF (209K)  |  Pub. Date: January 3, 2022


Jean P. Judor*, Jonathan Zadi; Junia Graduate School of Engineering, Lille, France


Nanotechnology attempts to manipulate individual atoms and molecules of an object on the nanoscale. It is the science of using matter on a nanometer scale, which is expected to have strong future developments. Although it is hard to predict what will happen to nanotechnology in the next 100 years, we know that nanotechnology will be a powerful tool of science and technology in the future. In this article, recent trends in nanotechnology and future scope are discussed.


nanotechnology; future of nanotechnology

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Judor, J. P., Zadi, J. (2022), Advances in nanotechnology, IRESPUB Journal of  Engineering & Computer Sciences. Volume 2, Issue 1, Jan-Feb 2022, Page 1-3


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