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Research status of education big data at home and abroad, existing problems and countermeasures

Volume 1, Issue 2, Nov-Dec 2021    |  Page 63-67  |  PDF (237K)  |  Pub. Date: December 6, 2021


Zhi Liping*, Wang Qingyao; School of Computer and Information Engineering, Anyang Normal University, Anyang, China


The age of big data has arrived,the combination of education and big data has become an inevitable result of social evolution—big data drives the education revolution.Education big data in China has a relatively short development time , relatively backward technology,and no good application. By comparing the differences in the key points of education big data at home and abroad, this paper summarizes the research status of education big data at home and abroad, and finds out the existing problems and countermeasures of education big data in China.


education big data; research status; the existing problems; countermeasures

Cite this paper

Liping, Z., Qingyao, W. (2021), Research status of education big data at home and abroad, existing problems and countermeasures, IRESPUB Journal of Natural & Applied Sciences. Volume 1, Issue 2, Nov-Dec 2021, Page 63-67


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