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Higher education in the face of the Covid-19 crisis: critical analysis of the incomplete use of distance learning in Cameroonian state universities

Volume 1, Issue 1, Nov-Dec 2021    |  Page 1-14  |  PDF (332K)  |  Pub. Date: November 6, 2021


Marthe Aurellie NGONO ZINTCHEM;IRIC BP 1637 Yaounde-Cameroon; GSM: 00237 77855792/00237 693697049


This article deals with the practice of distance learning in Cameroonian universities. It uses the Covid-19 crisis as the starting point for an in-depth reflection on the constraints to the success of the pedagogical transition that the Cameroon government has been carrying out for two decades. Starting from the observation that the Covid-19 pandemic has disrupted the pedagogical habits in our universities, this analysis highlights the multiple challenges faced by university actors in the implementation of distance learning in Cameroon. After an inventory of the difficulties encountered, the legal framework and the existing infrastructures, this text proposes possible ways to succeed in the pedagogical transition, which will be useful both to ensure pedagogical continuity in times of crisis and to help universities to absorb the continuous increase in student numbers recorded each academic year.


higher education; distance learning; Covid-19; university

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Zintchem, M. A. N. (2021), Higher education in the face of the Covid-19 crisis: critical analysis of the incomplete use of distance learning in Cameroonian state universities, IRESPUB Journal of  Engineering & Computer Sciences. Volume 1, Issue 1, Nov-Dec 2021, Page 1-14


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