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Modern ecological characteristics of the southern slope of the great Caucasus in the ecotourism conditions: Gabala region as an example

Volume 1, Issue 1, Sep-Oct 2021    |  Page 12-18  |  PDF (238K)  |  Pub. Date: October 2, 2021


RAE Z. H. Aliev, G. A. Hüseynova; Institute of Soil Science and Agrochemistry of Azerbaijan National, Academy of Sciences, Baku, Republic of Azerbaijan


In the article, the landscape complexes of the Southern slope of the Caucasus react differently to different impacts and recreational loads on the example of the Gabala region, which is the object of study in terms of ecotourism development. In this regard, safe loads for one natural complex have been found to be critical for others. Recreational use of forests has been found to be of great importance for increasing the resource potential of society. Field research in light forests with recreational grass cover, for example, in Bunut forests of Gabala region, oak-maple and oak-maple-hornbeam formations are not resistant to recreational vegetation. and the upper part of the soil is hard. As a result of trampling the seedlings, they perish. From this point of view, as a result of the transfer of forests around springs to private individuals, the forest is degraded, seedlings are trampled, the reaction force reaches a high level, anthropogenic pressure increases, and grass and moss cover is destroyed. Therefore, there are no young seedlings in the forests of Bunut. Forest grazing is more dangerous in this area. Thus, the existing seedlings are eaten by animals, trampled, and the soil is hardened. The current situation mainly affects a large area in the area around the basins of the Vendam, Damiraparan, Hamzali, Bum and Karachay rivers. Especially during the rainy season, animals damage the soil surface and vegetation more, causing the destruction of grass and moss layers, which is unacceptable.


ecotourism; recreation; urbanization; phytocenosis; anthropogenic; phytogenic; zoogenic; degradation; relief

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Aliev, R. Z. H., Hüseynova, G. A. (2021), Modern ecological characteristics of the southern slope of the great Caucasus in the ecotourism conditions: Gabala region as an example, IRESPUB Journal of Natural & Applied Sciences. Volume 1, Issue 1, Sep-Oct 2021, Page 12-18


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