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Interference communications: measures of information influence on the formation of state creation ecopolitics in the context of image formation in the globalized media systems

Volume 1, Issue 1, Sep-Oct 2021    |  Page 13-25  |  PDF (264K)  |  Pub. Date: September 28, 2021


Chekalyuk Veronika; Ph.D. in Social Communications, Associate Professor of the Department of National University of Bioresources and Natural Resources of Ukraine, State image maker, Investment attraction specialist, and PR technologist (Kyiv, Ukraine)


In this study the author tries to reveal the essence of the organizational culture the context of interrelation of formation of image of the country. Important psychological readiness to evolve that is the base for forming the image of both the country. Media is everything, and the world seems to be nothing without it, media is the most powerful tool of communication. It is difficult to imagine how people get to know some important news without newspapers, radio magazines, internet. We observe the evolution of the media environment, the emergence of new methods and methods of communication in accordance with the demands of time. The article investigates the role of media professionals in creating the image of the political leader and the state, considers some aspects of professional activity and methods of image-maker’s work. The generalization is made on the basis of the experience of practitioners, image-makers of politicians concerning the creation and dissemination of author’s practical and scientific technologies, the introduction of a positive image color of the object (subject of the image) and author’s research. As a result of an information campaign, public opinion on a particular topic can be both positive and negative, and rarely – neutral. Media has a tremendous impact on the public activity of the audience. Media is a powerful tool in shaping the image. Ukraine experienced the impact of Russian hybrid warfare and pro-Kremlin disinformation earlier than most other states, these disinformation messages a distorted worldview that shapes people’s thinking about the meaning and possibilities of political change. The content of this work captures the essence of problems creation of a positive image of Ukraine in the media that fully reflected in the monograph “Formation of Ukraine’s image in the media.”


politics; media; leader; professiogram; image-maker; experiment; audience; information security; ecosystem; state creation; media work; subject and object of image

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Veronika, C. (2021), Interference communications: measures of information influence on the formation of state creation ecopolitics in the context of image formation in the globalized media systems, IRESPUB Journal of Humanities & Cultural Studies. Volume 1, Issue 1, Sep-Oct 2021, Page 13-25


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