A street guide map of Biu using a geospatial technique in Biu town Borno state Nigeria

Publication: 23/05/2024

Page: 1-5

Volume 3 Issue 3

How to cite 

Dantaro, P., Kwaja, C. S. (2024). A street guide map of Biu using a geospatial technique in Biu town Borno state Nigeria. IRESPUB Journal of Education & Literature, 3(3), 1-5.

Peter Dantaro & Chikyama Samuel kwaja*

Department of Surveying and Geoinformatics Nigerian Army University Biu Mubi South Local Government Adamawa State Nigeria


The aim of this project is to produce a street guide map that will ease navigation within the study area. While the objectives are; digitize details of features within the study area, create and link the attribute table with the spatial data and to produce guide map of the study area. Satellite image (2023) downloaded from the Google earth pro was used to extract the road network of Biu and transferring the data to ArcMap for detailed analysis. The street names were obtained through questionnaires. 146 Roads were within three classes of Road Network Namely Major Road (5), Tarred Street (88) and Untarred Street (53). This field work revealed that some of the Road was not tarred and the new constructed ones were not documented. It shows that some of the Road was not named according to the standard and some were not named at all. From this study, I recommend that the naming system should be standardized across the study area and that recommended that provision should be made for street map revision on a yearly basis so as to account for changes.



street guide map; geographic information; AutoCAD.

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