Assessment of irrigation water quality parametric indices of lake Gwakra, Gerie local government, Adamawa state, Nigeria

Publication: 15/12/2022

Page: 1-12

Volume 2 Issue 3

How to cite 

Yohanna, P., Ezekiel, Y., Ibrahim, S., Ibrahim, B. B. (2022). Assessment of irrigation water quality parametric indices of lake Gwakra, Gerie local government, Adamawa state, Nigeria. IRESPUB Journal of Agriculture, Food & Nutrition, 2(3), 1-12.

Yohanna Peter1*, Ezekiel Yonnana1, Ibrahim Saidu1, and Ibrahim Birma Bwatanglang2

1Department of Geography Adamawa State University, Mubi. Adamawa State, Nigeria

2Department of Pure and Applied Chemistry, Adamawa State University, Mubi. Adamawa State, Nigeria


The quality of water for irrigation is vital to productivity and quality of crops produced. In this paper, the water quality of Lake Gwakra for irrigation purpose have been assessed using the Arithmetic Mean Water Quality Index Method. The lake water samples during the irrigation period (January, February and March) of the dry season were collected using standard procedures. The samples were subjected to appropriate physicochemical analyses. Properties such as pH, EC, TD and DO were determined in-situ using the multi-probes meter. Concentrations of chemical properties (Na, K, Mg, Ca, Cl, SO42-, CO32 –) were tested in the laboratory using the Atomic Absorption Spectrophotometer (AAS) machine. The important parametric indices that influence the quality of water for irrigation such as Permeability Index (PI), Sodium Percentage, (Na%) Residual Sodium Carbonate (RSC), Magnesium Hazard (MH), Kelly’s Ratio (KR), Total Hardness (TH) and Potential Salinity (PS) were determined using appropriate mathematical formulae. The results showed that the physicochemical parameters were within the permissible limits for irrigation purpose as provided by WHO. Permeability Index (47%), Sodium Percentage (40.56%), Residual Sodium Carbonate(0.90Meq/l), Magnesium Hazard (43.69%), Kelly’s Ratio (0.47 Meq/), Total Hardness (43.72 Meq/) and Potential Salinity (4.19 Meq/) were all within the safe limits for irrigation. Controlled use of agrochemicals in the Jibiro Watershed and the lake vicinity was recommended towards preservation of the lake’s water quality for irrigation and other uses.


lake gwakra; irrigation; physicochemical parameters; permissible limits.

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